Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My routine DIY face mask

Minna saannn ^^

it's been so long since my last post work is absolutely fucking kill me i think i have to resign immediately lmfao :p
so, after a fucker pissing me off today by ruin my Sunday...
writing a blog always make me feel better.
today i wanna share about my routine DIY face mask.

i have a super duper oily skin, big pores (especially around my nose), black head and white head problems and so on, you know this type of skin makes my face look so crumpled and need to retouch my make ups every several hours.

my friend told me to try yoghurt and rice mask. there's several product like The skin food which is has a yoghurt and rice products. you can buy them of course, but you know, the price in the counter is too pricey for i'm thinking why don't i try to make it by myself, beside natural ingredients doesn't have to make you worried of a fatal side effect *what am i talking about btw?? LOL*  okay so here's my routine DIY yoghurt and rice face mask.
ah, you can also check this link, i've got the recipe from her ^^

what you need :

1. a bowl of rice : i prefer to make some stock of milled rice to safe my time don't worry you can put them in the fridge it can be used around 1 week.

2. yogurt : i'm using plain yogurt for this mask, because it doesn't contain of sugar, i prefer adding a fresh fruit like fresh strawberries into it but i'm not using  "strawberry flavor"  for this mask.

3. blender

how to make :

- first, wash the rice and rinse it, just spread it on the large plate and leave it until it's dried.

- put the rice into your blender, or coffee grinder or food processor or anything, grind the rice until it become rice flour.

- put 1 or 2 table spoon of yogurt on a plate, add some rice, stir it until it evenly mixed, or until it looks like mud., here i'm showing some picture of it, sorry if it's not clear enough but i hope you can see it properly.

- take some of it using your hand or brush, put it onto your face. cover your face and of course avoid eyes and lips area.

- leave it for 15-20 minutes

- wash it with cold water, the rice also can be use as scrubs to exfoliate your skin, rub your skin with circular motion.

- clean your face with your facial wash and rinse your face...and DONE :D

after i use it, i feel my skin softer, and fresh, it's also reduce the oil on my face, i use this mask twice to three times a week
well hope this post will be useful for you ^^

thanks for reading ^^
love, Eve..


  1. nice tips ^^
    i'll try this one ^^

    1. sankyu ^^ hope it will be useful for you :D

  2. Wah, asyik nih! Cobain ah, di rumah. :D Aku juga suka pake yogurt, tapi campur stroberi dilumat-lumat begitu. Seger! :D

    Makasih udah berbagi ilmu ya. ;)

    1. iya aku juga lebih suka nambah buah "beneran" daripada pake yoghurt yang ada rasa buah nya...:D

      sama2 ^^ semoga bisa berguna ya info nya ^^

  3. wah, thanks for sharing.. harus dicoba nih..

    1. you're welcome ^^ thanks for reading dear :D

  4. aku jg suka bgt sama yogurt...tmbh cerah kalo pake, dan lama2 kulit jd lembut..^^

    1. iya aku juga suka banget, adem ke kulit sama jadi lembut >O<

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  7. I read a article under the same title some time ago, but this articles quality is much, much better. How you do this.. cheap face masks
